COPIED from a post of mine on Facebook today:

Alan DiCenzo

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You all know by now, and will know if you don’t already, from my own Facebook page and sections about me, my Ph.D. and extensive career with heavy emphasis on SAR digital signal and digital image processing, general digital signal and digital image processing, and substantial experience in orbit calculation, satellite tracking and signals-based geolocation, THAT I have MAJOR expertise in, for example DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING.

Why do I suddenly mention this now? I do because over a period of months and even years, I felt, in fact I KNEW, that I could devise ways of using my expertise to apply digital image processing to be able to READ THROUGH COMPLETELY REDACTED PORTIONS OF DOCUMENTS SUPPLIED TO THE PUBLIC. A good while ago, I actually discovered exactly how to do this, and verified empirically with many actual redacted documents, that my digital image processing techniques, which I may someday still publish in refereed journals, are essentially 100% effective in this regard.

I’ve mostly kept the results of this discovery and invention to myself. But today I have already gone through about 38% of the redacted sections (online) of the FBI affidavit used to “justify” getting the warrant used to raid President Trump’s Mar A Lago private home. I will soon post the ENTIRE affidavit on Facebook, and in other places which Facebook does NOT control.

I can already see, from what I’ve “X-rayed” already, that this whole thing stinks to high heaven so badly, and is so obviously another unjustified effort to “get” our former President, that all the crap you’re hearing on the news today, INCLUDING what you’re hearing on Fox News, is nothing but rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, to hide the stinking reality of what they are REALLY doing over at DOJ and the FBI with the FULL approval of AG Garland and “President” Joe Biden, who “won” a “stolen” election in 2020.

If ANY of you are interested, please let me know.

1 Comment

Alan DiCenzo

So, I use a combination of edge detection techniques, application of differential equations of the kind used in neural networks, some general AI methods based on machine learning, and some surprisingly simple digital image enhancement techniques, along with some amazingly fertile Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) techniques, e.g. increasing the numerical intensity in the OUTER edge regions of the 2-D DFT which contain a disproportionate percentage of the energy in the high spatial frequencies, TO SLICE COMPLETELY THROUGH the seemingly opaque, blackened regions of redacted documents. You’d BETTER BELIEVE that I have actually done this and will soon be sharing things with you, if you are interested.

For now, I can see beyond doubt from what I’ve uncovered in the redacted affidavit portions, that this sensational Mar A Lago raid was COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY AND UNJUSTIFIED and, if all the information comes out, there will be some people completely unconnected to Trump but who are amazingly biased against him, who will clearly merit being prosecuted for despicable felonies.

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