I have now completely read through and thoroughly analyzed this document:

The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden
Won the 2020 Presidential Election
Senator John Danforth
Benjamin Ginsberg
The Honorable Thomas B. Griffith
David Hoppe
The Honorable J. Michael Luttig
The Honorable Michael W. McConnell
The Honorable Theodore B. Olson
Senator Gordon H. Smith
July, 2022″

often referred to as “The Ginsberg Report”; here I’ll refer to it as simply the G report, or just the G. It took me several weeks. I do NOT find its refutation of the 2020 stolen election claims to be valid.

I cite first that nowhere in the G are the direct claims from some of my primary sources, e.g., “The Navarro Report, The Powell Report, The Lindell Video Absolute Proof, The True AZ Audit Results From Wendy Rogers, State Senator,” and then certain later audits and examples, including even logical math papers showing certain impossibilities, EVER DIRECTLY AND EXPLICITLY ADDRESSED. Nowhere in G will you find something like a two-column table pitting very potent points in my previously mentioned primary sources, in the first column, against refutations in the second.

For just one powerful example, in “Absolute Proof” Lindell and several recognized forensic cyber experts and mathematicians displayed a very long table, along with a dynamic map, showing as an unfolding sub-video, exactly how each internet intrusion which switched large volumes of votes from outside the appropriate election district, occurred, when it occurred, and from where it originated. To even MY surprise, a huge volume of these pernicious intrusions came from China. I already knew that China wanted Biden. This is a very simple example: G would EITHER need to assert that this table and the powerful dynamic map unfolding in real time (replayed), was a TOTAL FRAUD ITSELF AND WAS NOTHING BUT A MEANINGLESS, ARTIFICIAL CREATION of these reputable forensic cybercrime experts and mathematicians (identified right there on the video), to me a very difficult proposition; OR ELSE frankly and honestly acknowledge that the database of intrusions built in real time along with its accompanying, correlated and intrusion-by-intrusion dynamic map of the same intrusions as they occurred, was real and that that ONE source of data alone was enough to invalidate the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. G did not even MENTION THIS EVIDENCE, much less address and refute it. This represents a VERY SIMPLE dichotomy: Either the intrusion video with its database and dynamic map MUST be shown to be a total, nefarious, arbitrary creation of these respected experts, or the 2020 Election steal must be ACKNOWLEDGE. There is NO other choice here.

And there were examples after examples in my “Steal” evidence sources which were similarly ignored and never addressed directly with the kind of refutation that would have meaning by its direct analysis of the points in those primary sources of mine. For example, deductive, incontrovertible math papers on the impossibility even of certain voting patterns, were never even brought up in G. And my own personal observation on TV of a sudden DECLINE in Trump’s vote numbers on the back Reuters screen, during Election Night, was never addressed. A non-fraudulent count can NEVER go down; that’s a mathematical impossibility.

What WAS addressed were EITHER trivial problems which I (and presumably most of you) already knew about but in the final analysis were not at all the pivotal and massive fraud projects in my sources, OR ELSE COMPLAINTS which courts rejected only on technical grounds such as standing, jurisdiction, or timeliness, none of which could could justify an interpretation of invalidity for these “pro-steal” claims.

Then, next, the panel of co-authors or contributors to G correspond only to known and strongly biased Left supporting or RINO-type members, even though they tried to represent themselves as a conservative panel (Yeah, conservative like Liz Cheney), which detracted heavily and probably fatally from the validity of the G, for me. Other sources I’ve examined have criticized this same “kangaroo aspect” of the generators of this G.

There were many other flaws as well, some fatal. The bottom line is that the VERY DETAILED AND OFTEN SELF-PROVING AND INTERWOVEN points in MY primary sources were NOT TOUCHED by G and I remain in the same position I was in before: I believe quite strongly that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen and that the evidence sources I have cited on multiple occasions represent powerful instruments of proof of this theft of an entire American Presidential election.

The smell continues as horrendous. Let all my sources and other similar ones become massively public knowledge so that Americans can truly look at the evidence and begin to act as a meaningful de facto jury, instead of allowing the main media to continue hypnotizing them into accepting that they NEVER truly examine the actual EVIDENCE for the steal, but always only the propaganda against it. In this disgraceful PROPAGANDA AND DEMAGOGUERY classification, I include this latest G Report.

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